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German | Aus einer Mücke einen Elefanten machen | To make an elephant out of a mosquito |
English | to make a mountain out of a molehill | |
French | ne pas en faire tout un fromage | Not to make a cheese out of it |
Spanish | Hacer una montaña de un grano de arena | To make a mountain out of a grain of sand |
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German | Du sollst den Tag nicht vor dem Abend loben | Don't praise the day before the evening |
English | Don't count your chickens before they are hatched. | |
| Putting the cart before the horse | |
French | Il ne faut pas chanter victoire avant la bataille | Don't cheer before the battle |
| Il ne faut pas crier victoire trop vite | Do not crow over a victory too quickly |
| Il ne faut pas vendre la peau de l'ours avant de l'avoirtué. | Don't sell the bear-skin before killing the bear. |
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Spanish | Vender la piel del oso antes de cazarlo | Sell the bear's skin before the hunt |
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German | Der Schein kann trügen | Everything is not as it seems |
English | Don't judge a book by its cover | |
French | l'habit ne fait pas le moine | Clothes don't make a monk |
Spanish | Las apariencias engañan | Everything is not as it seems |
| | |
German | Eulen nach Athen tragen | Carry owls to Athens |
English | Carry coals to Newcastle | |
French | porter de l'eau à la rivière | Carry water to the sea |
Spanish | Llevar leña al monte | Carry wood to the mountain |
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German | Jemanden einen Bären aufbinden | To tie a bear onto someone |
English | Pull someone's leg | |
French | Mener quelqu’un en bateau | To take someone on a boat |
Spanish | Tomar el pelo a alguien | Pull someone's hair |
| | |
German | Auf dem Holzweg sein | To be on the wooden path |
English | Barking up the wrong tree | |
French | se mettre le doigt dans l'œil | To put a finger in the eye |
Spanish | Errar el tiro | To miss the shot |
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German | Auf Regen folgt Sonnenschein | After rain, there will be sunshine |
English | Every cloud has a silver lining | |
French | Après la pluie, le beau temps | After the rain, there will be good weather |
Spanish | No hay mal que por bien no venga | There is no evil that blows no good |
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German | Der Apfel fällt nicht weit vom Stamm | The apple does not fall far from the trunk |
English | He is a chip off the old block | |
French | Les chiens ne font pas des chats | Dogs don't breed cats |
Spanish | De casta le viene al galgo el ser rabilargo | Comes in the greyhound breed to have a long tail |
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German | Nicht mein Geschmack | Not my taste |
English | Not my cup of tea | |
French | Ce n’est pas ma tasse de thé | Its not my cup of tea |
Spanish | No es plato de mi gusto | Not a dish of my taste |
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German | Ein gebranntes Kind scheut das Feuer | A burnt child will dread fire |
English | Once bitten twice shy | |
French | Chat échaudé craint l'eau froide | The burnt cat eschews cold water |
Spanish | Gato escaldado del agua fría huye | A scolded cat flees from cold water |
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German | Ich versteh nur Bahnhof | I only understand train station |
English | It's all Greek to me | |
French | J'entrave que dalle | I only understand concrete slab. |
| C’est du chinois pour moi | It is Chinese to me |
Spanish | Esto me suena a chino | That sounds Chinese to me |
| | |
German | Das kommt mir Spanisch vor | This is Greek to me |
English | There is something fishy going on here | |
French | Cette affaire ne me paraît pas très catholique | This affair does not seem to be very catholic |
Spanish | Aquí hay gato encerrado | There must be a trapped cat in here |
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German | Andere Länder, andere Sitten | Other countries, other conventions |
English | When in Rome, do as the Romans do | |
French | A Rome, fais comme les Romains | In Rome, do as the Romans do |
Spanish | A donde fueres, haz lo que vieres | Wherever you go, do what you see |
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German | Wohlfühlen, wie die Made im Speck | Snug as a maggot in bacon |
English | Snug as a bug in a rug | |
French | comme un coq en pâte | Snug, like a cock in pastry |
Spanish | Estar acurrucadito y calentito | Being curled up and warm |
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German | Morgenstund hat Gold im Mund | Morning hours has gold in its mouth |
English | The early bird catches the worm | |
French | Le monde appartient à ceux qui se lèvent tôt | The world belongs to them who get up early Those, who get up early God will help |
| À qui se lève matin, Dieu aide et prête la main | |
Spanish | A quien madruga, Dios le ayuda. | Who gets up early, God will help |
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German | Auf frischer Tat ertappt | To catch someone in the act |
English | Caught red handed | |
French | prendre qn. la main dans le sac | To catch someone with the hand in the bag |
Spanish | Coger a uno con las manos en la masa | To catch someone with the hands in the dough |