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Tasty Idioms in Other Languages

Tasty Idioms in Other Languages

You might be surprised how often you use food-related idioms in everyday conversation. If you feel like doing something a little different and confusing people while you’re at it, why not try out some of the expressions found in other languages below? You might...
Holiday Translation Fails

Holiday Translation Fails

Travel is a big part of going on holiday – some of us will take a flight to a faraway land, some will rent a car while abroad to have a bit more freedom, while others like to get into the spirit of things and join the locals on public transport. Hopefully the...
Les Grandes Vacances

Les Grandes Vacances

No one wants to be stuck behind a desk and a laptop when the sun is blazing outside. The allure of lazy summer days is tempting enough if you work in the UK, never mind France, Italy, Spain or Portugal… Which is precisely why during August – or...
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