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Helping Your Translator

Helping Your Translator

How can you help your translator? Here at Tongue Tied we like to deliver translations that exceed all expectations! And we also want to make the translation process as smooth as possible for everyone involved. Although your translator is doing the bulk of the work,...
Financial Translation

Financial Translation

Why is financial translation so important? Money matters everywhere in the world – you’d struggle to find an area of business more international than the financial sector! In today’s bustling business environment, more and more companies are growing...
Word of the Year 2021

Word of the Year 2021

Can you sum up 2021 in a single word? What would it be? It was another year filled with pandemic-related words and phrases. There was more talk of circuit breakers, lateral flows and lockdowns! I’m sure lots of us are hoping to hear less of these in 2022. But...
Christmas Idioms

Christmas Idioms

We love a good idiom here at Tongue Tied! And as it’s that time of year again, we thought we’d share with you some festive and wintery idioms from other languages. But let’s start off with a classic English Christmas idiom, although you might hear...
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